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Category: Board Game

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The board game Frosthaven is getting a video game with the designer of X-COM

By Liam Dawe,
The popular board game Frosthaven is getting adapted into a video game, with Snapshot Games at the helm led by CEO Julian Gollop, known for designing X-COM.

Fortune Avenue is a hyped-up fast-paced chaotic spin on Monopoly

By Liam Dawe,
Fortune Avenue is Monopoly but not as you know it. A hyped-up and colourful spin on the classic game, with a rather different way to play and it's highly competitive.
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Grab a load of hit digital board games in this new Humble Bundle

By Liam Dawe,
The Board Game Night Humble Bundle looks to be another good one, especially if you love games styled more like board games. So here's what's in it and what compatibility to expect for Steam Deck and Desktop Linux.

Dawnmaker is a turn-based city-building and deck-building game that looks great

By Liam Dawe,
Coming from Arpentor Studio, Dawnmaker is a turn-based city building and deckbuilding game that feels like playing a board game.

Terraria: The Board Game live on Kickstarter - goal met almost instantly

By Liam Dawe,
Terraria the smash-hit indie game is being turned into a tabletop experience with Terraria: The Board Game. It's crowdfunding on Kickstarter, and obviously it was going to do well.

Fortune Avenue is a new take on a Monopoly-like experience

By Liam Dawe,
Binogure Studio (City Game Studio) recently announced Fortune Avenue, their own take on a Monopoly-like experience that will enter Early Access this year.

Check out the demo for Beacon Patrol based on the popular board game

By Liam Dawe,
With a planned full release in 2024, developers BrutalHack and Shapes and Dreams have put up a demo for Beacon Patrol - a relaxing game all about exploring the ocean. It's actually a digital adaption of the board game of the same name, one that's quite highly rated too.

Dark Chess now has a Native Linux version available

By Liam Dawe,
Originally released on Steam back in February, Dark Chess now has a Native Linux version available and it brings some interesting sounding adjustments to the classic to really change how you play.

Realm Architect looks like an awesome modern VTT

By Liam Dawe,
Realm Architect is an attempt to make a next-gen virtual tabletop experience, while also keeping it simpler to get into and keep running. It also looks great and it's confirmed to get Linux support now too.

Open source physics-based tabletop sim 'Tabletop Club' gets an official release

By Liam Dawe,
After a bunch of early testing builds, the developer of the free and open source tabletop sim Tabletop Club has announced the first stable release.

Open source tabletop game simulator gets a second Beta release

By Liam Dawe,
Free, open source and getting better all the time. Tabletop Club has a fresh Beta release available with a whole lot of fixes and improvements.

Tabletop Club is a free and open source physics-based 3D tabletop game sim

By Liam Dawe,
Want a Tabletop Simulator like experience but prefer free and open source games? Keep an eye on Tabletop Club.

Armello gets full Linux support restored with cross-platform online play

By Liam Dawe,
This is really great to see! Armello from developer League of Geeks has a fresh update out, and it restores full Linux support.

Slay the Spire is getting an official Board Game

By Liam Dawe,
Do you love Slay the Spire and want to take it into the real world? There's a Board Game being made for it.

No more dungeons, overtake the overworld tile by tile in Overboss

By Liam Dawe,
Overboss looks like a fun idea. Coming from the same team that gave us Legend of Keepers, it has you emerge from the underworld to take over the overworld.

100% Orange Juice gets Steam Deck Verified thanks to supporting Steam Input

By Liam Dawe,
Here's another developer who upgraded their game ready for the Steam Deck, with the popular 100% Orange Juice.

One Deck Dungeon gets 'optimized' for the Steam Deck

By Liam Dawe,
One Deck Dungeon developer Handelabra Games Inc. announced recently that a new upgrade is available, which should make the experience on Steam Deck much nicer.

Play some socially-distanced tabletop games with a new FoundryVTT release

By Liam Dawe,
FoundryVTT version 9 has been released, further improving many big parts of this excellent cross-platform virtual tabletop experience and it's looking awesome.

Axis & Allies 1942 Online from Beamdog is out now with full cross-play

By Liam Dawe,
Beamdog, known for their RPG revamps like Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition and Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition have finally pushed Axis & Allies 1942 Online out of Early Access as a finished game with full cross-play.

Laser Chess game Deflection is out now providing a fun new strategy game

By Liam Dawe,
Take down the enemy King with a great big laser, that's the aim of the game in Deflection. It's basically the original Laser Chess updated for modern platforms by Coreffect Interactive.
Showing 1 to 20 of 43 entries found.